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Race Rules/Procedures

Race Procedure
  • One time run Saturday, New Entry time run Sunday

  • Buybacks straight into round 2

  •  No car or driver will go down the track more than once per round (you cannot enter box and no box) (no sharing cars) 

  • Colors/numbers may be used to designate calls for cars to the lanes but all cars will be ran as one class

  • No box will run separate from box until no box or box is down to one entry remaining

  • No ladder will be formed until box/no box are combined AND there are 8 remaining cars or less

  • Ladder Procedure:

    • Once conditions to go to a ladder have been met, reaction times from previous round will be used to seed racers onto an NHRA PRO STYLE LADDER, best reaction time earning the #1 seed and so forth. Tiebreaker for seeding is better total package.

    • In the event that box is down to 1 entry before no box, box entry will move into no box. The last no box car standing will then win the no box bonus. 



Calling Order


Time Run:


No box





No box Green (or odds/evens)

No Box yellow 

Box blue

Box Red


If Singles Only 
If Doubles Allowed
  • One time run Saturday, New Entry time run Sunday (no extra time run if doubled)

  • Buybacks straight into round 2

  • No car or driver will go down the track more than twice per round

  • Colors will be used to separate classes (box blue/red and no box green/yellow)

  • All colors are considered to be their own class until down to one unless conditions for a ladder have been met

  • Once down to one, the entrant will move into other box/no box color. 

  • Once down to one no box entry remaining, entrant will move into box side (box red if box classes not yet combined)

  • Once 8 cars or less remain in the event and no box has been combined into box, ladder is in effect

  • In the event that box is down to 1 entry before no box, box entry will move into no box. The last no box car standing will then win the no box bonus. 

  • Bye does not carry on to ladder

  • Ladder Procedure:

    • Once conditions to go to a ladder have been met, reaction times from previous round will be used to seed racers onto an NHRA PRO STYLE LADDER, best reaction time earning the #1 seed and so forth. Tiebreaker for seeding is better total package.​


Calling Order

Time run:


No box





No box Green

Box Blue

No box Yellow

Box Red


Race Rules
Staging Lanes

- Calling Cars:


  • *Depending on car count* we will call cars by color and/or by even/odd car numbers as needed (as determined by the last digit in a racers car number) REMEMBER; this is for the racers convenience and the efficiency of the staging lanes

  • Time runs: When the last pair is on the apron (past the blue line), the lanes are then closed for that session. 

  • No cars left unattended while in staging lanes

- Pairings:


  • In the case of single file back to back cars, we will pair back to back with the front car having lane choice.



- Racer Conduct:


  • Once you have passed the cones in the back of the lanes, ABSOLUTELY NO SWAPPING LANES. One warning will be issued if this is reported or spotted by an official. After one warning, DQ. Race Director has final say*

On Track Conduct
  • Excessive and dangerous braking is not tolerated

- 1st Offense: Warning

- 2nd Offense: DQ

- *Any racer crossing the centerline or hitting the wall AT ANY POINT OF THE RACETRACK BEFORE OR AFTER THE FINISH LINE due to excessive braking will be DQ’d on the spot*

  • It is the racer’s responsibility to wear the proper PPE to protect oneself

  • Racer must follow the starter's orders, failure to do so could result in DQ. Race Director will have final say.

  • Crossing the centerline or touching the wall results in DQ. *starter/race director have final say. *Touching timing cones counts as crossing centerline*

  • Keep all safety gear on until off the racing surface.

Timing System Malfunctions, Traction Issues, Dial In-Errors
  • No racer will be reinstated for backing out of the stage beam unless proven that timing system was malfunctional *race director has final say

  • Check your dial on the dial boards before burnout, once pre-staged, dial has been accepted

  • No racer will be reinstated for traction issues unless proven track issue (IE fluid on track, ect) 

  • In the event of racer being reinstated, a re-run will occur if incident occurs while on ladder, otherwise, affected racer will move into next round

Double Entry Policy
  • No more than 5 minutes allowed from time last car down in current round to time the double’s 2nd entry is back in the lanes

  • If not back in 5 minutes, could be grounds for DQ

  • Rule is not applicable once ladder round has been reached

  • Once Ladder is in effect, competitor will have 10 minutes between their first entry going down track and their second being present in the lanes

  • If not present after 10th minute, entry not present will be DQ'd

  • All forms of doubles welcome 

  • No car or driver will go down the track more than twice in one round

  • No Box and Box are separated as a courtesy, no box and box are not considered two different classes

  • entering once in no box and once in box is considered a double

Breakage Policy
  • Once you are in line in the lanes, you are paired up, if you pull out, you lose and your would be competitor will receive a competition bye

  • Car swaps allowed if the car you are swapping to is out of competition for the day (race director approval)

  • If broke and competitor is in the waterbox, 2 minute clock will count down until DQ

Rain Out Policy
  • In the event of a rain-out before the completion of the first round, all racers will be refunded Entry Fees back. 

  • After round 1, the race will fall back to the final completed round, where we will split the total guaranteed pot among all remaining racers

CCD Track Rules
  • No glass bottles on property

  • 10 MPH pit speed limit

  • No kids under 16 operating anything motorized

  • Every vehicle to go down track must have at least one working tail-light

  • “Our lights are on, your lights are on”

  • No Spectators without wristbands in the restricted area (past blue line in lanes)

  • No one is to be on the track-side of the return road past the winlights while cars are running

  • All pets must be leashed or otherwise contained

General Rules

  • All types of cars/bikes welcome

  • Throttle stops allowed

  •  tree reading technology/drive shaft sensors NOT permitted

  • We reserve the right to tear down any racer deemed to be cheating

  • DEEP STAGING - is allowed, but not guaranteed, it is the racers responsibility to let the opponent know if planning to deep stage. DEEP must be written on the car CLEARLY for the starter/tower staff to see

  • DIAL INS - must be visible from DRIVER SIDE and FRONT window

  • NO BOX racers racing in box that don’t want crosstalk on must have clearly visible N with a circle around it on windshield​

  • 4.50 Minimum Dial 

  • Valid State driver's license required

  • 1st round bye (or byes if doubles allowed) will be random

  • Pre-Entry Refunds: You may be refunded your money and forfeit your spot up until Monday, May 26. After that, your purchase is final pending event cancellation

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